ELISTA Education - Education & Training in Animal Assistance & Therapy

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In order to achieve the high standard set for ourselves, to ensure fair and consistent treatment and assessment of all learners and to meet the criteria set for our course accreditations, ELISTA Education operates in line with a carefully and conscientiously produced Quality Assurance Document containing policies and procedures for the effective management of the organisation.

The aims of the Quality Assurance Policies are as follows:

  • ELISTA Education is committed to providing education and training opportunities in (the currently under developed sector of) Animal Assistance and Therapy, by encouraging the ethical utilisation of animals for the promotion of improved physical, mental and social well-being of all people.
  • ELISTA Education is committed to ensuring effective communication with learners, staff and other stakeholders. We seek to provide accurate and easily accessible information about our programmes, services and working policies for all interested parties, as well as initiating constructive feedback from Learners and external sources to develop and enhance our programmes .
  • ELISTA Education believes in equality amongst Learners and Staff. We will commit to provide educational opportunities or employment positions regardless of gender, marital status, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, race, membership of social groups or other legal external pursuits. We will prohibit discrimination as outlined in Equality Legislation and work to eliminate discrimination and promote equality. Staff and Learners alike are expected to conduct themselves inline with this policy as part of the organisation's ethos.
  • ELISTA Education will commit to recruit suitable staff through a clearly outlined, fair and transparent process. It is our policy to provide all teaching staff with initial induction training and continual professional support. Continual professional development through training and further studies is also encouraged.
  • ELISTA Education will aim to facilitate learning opportunities to all whom are interested in furthering knowledge and skill in Animal Assistance and Therapy. We will freely provide information and support to enable easy access to our programmes. We act to recognise and facilitate the prior learning of applicants, and allow for transfer of programmes and progression opportunities both within and beyond our organisation.
  • ELISTA Education is committed to providing programmes that create relevant learning opportunities to a diversity of learners through the range of learning platforms. Programme content, delivery methods, learning environment, links with industry and programme review through learner feedback aims to create valuable and meaningful learning for all our learners.
  • It is the policy of ELISTA Education to ensure that all learners receive fair and consistent assessment. We believe that in order to fulfil their learning ambitions, learners must be assessed equally and consistently through a quality, fair and transparent process that does not contain any bias and excludes Learner diversity. Our assessment procedures ensure that learners have the potential to develop fully through the learning duration and achieve their learning outcomes from our programmes.
  • It is the policy of ELISTA Education to ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for the protection of all learners. ELISTA Education is subject to Section 43.2.a of the Qualifications Act 1999 for programmes longer than 3 months in duration. We commit to ensure, that in the event where an ELISTA Education programme should cease to continue, learners on that programme will be protected. Protection involves consultation with the Learner, full financial refund and guidance in accessing a similar programme through links established with other providers.
  • It is the policy of ELISTA Education to recruit the most committed, suitably educated and experienced programme delivery staff. ELISTA Education works to ensure that all of our programme delivery staff are passionate about the mission of ELISTA Education, its aims and objectives, and that they deliver quality programmes, consistently working within the framework of the various policies and procedures.
  • It is the policy of ELISTA Education to ensure continual review, evaluation and improvement of its Programmes and Services. Essential self-evaluation procedures ensure that programmes delivered and services provided are at the quality to which ELISTA Education is committed to, and that such programmes and services enable full educational opportunities to our Learners.

(Further details on Policy Documents can be requested, please contact us)
