The Animal Assisted Therapy course is an advanced combined course
offered by ELISTA Education, now encompassing content of the previous
introductory ‘ethical animal use’ programme. Although anyone is
welcome to apply, a professional background in health/social care/education
or therapy is most likely. Applicants without this background,
may be advised to first study the Human Animal Interactions or
Animal Welfare programmes before commencing onto Animal Assisted
Therapy (in the non-combined format) the following year.
Course Overview:
The Animal Assisted Therapy Course specifically concentrates
on the ethical utilisation of animals for the physical, psychological,
social and education benefits of people. Learners advance their
knowledge through researching scientific studies already conducted
and documenting the evidence. Competencies required to work effectively
and responsibly with both animals and people are also rehearsed.
This course is accredited by the Institute of Animal Care Education.
Course Content:
The course is divided into eight modules of study, practical
skills and competencies are incorporated and rehearsed and assessed
during eight practical training days.
- Ethical Animal Use (part 1)
- Ethical Animal Use (part 2)
- Animals as Therapy
- The Animal, the Client and the Environment
- Ability and Disability Awareness
- Animals and Humans; the dynamic relationships
- Being an Animal Assisted Therapy Facilitator
- AAT as a business; making programme proposals
Course Delivery:
The course is delivered primarily as a home study course, with
3 workshop style weekends and an assessment day/weekend. Assessments
are continuous written and practical.
Practical Training dates are; Friday 23rd-Saturday 24th October 2020, Saturday 23rd- Sunday 24th January, Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th April and Thursday 15th OR Friday 16th July 2021 (depending on group size). Training is based at the ELISTA centre near Abbeyleix Co. Laois.
Course commences with first home study material the week of 5th October 2020.
Course Fee:
Total course fee for ELISTA Education Human Animal Interactions
or Animal Welfare graduates making progression within 2 years
is €500 (no early bird discount applicable). For applicants who
wish to register for the advanced combined course in Animal Assisted
Therapy having completed no previous training with ELISTA Education,
the course fee is €900 (€750 with ‘early bird’ offer for applicants
registering before 1st June 2020).
There are 12 places available on the Animal Assisted Therapy
Applicants should complete the MAP20 Application Form before
1st June 2020 to receive ‘early bird’ registration fee discount
or otherwise before 31st July 2020. Applicants who have completed
an equivalent course, (for example the QQI/FETAC Level 6 Humans
Animals and Society Course) with a different provider, should
fill out all sections (including section C) on the MAP20 Application
Form available to download below.

(Animal Assisted Therapy Course Registration Form PDF Download, 297kb)